Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Safely in Haiti at Mission of Hope

Hi everyone, after a long day flying from Toronto to Montreal and then direct to Haiti we have arrived. Grant and Sandy picked us up at the Airport and it was a bit of a zoo. We had help bringing the bags to the van and then we were off through Port au Prince to get to the mission site. MOH is approximately 25 km from the city. As we drove through you could see some of the damage that was done. We went around the city and Grant said that most of the devastation was in the city centre. I am sure we will see more of this as the week goes on. The roads are terrible and so it is a slow ride out of the city. It is a very busy and populated city with over 80% unemployment before the earthquake. There are no building standards and so many places collapsed due to poor quality construction and poor cement.

A large team of 57 will be leaving tomorrow and that will leave just a small team of us to work at the clinic. It should be a very busy week seeing about 100 patients per day and the odd emergency from the community at night. More about this tomorrow.

It is very hot here and we will need to adjust. It was approximately 30 celcius today. Many people doing incredible work. We stopped in at the University of Miami Hospital today near Port au Prince. Very well laid out and they have probably 150 patients.


Hi everyone, the flight and the entire trip to the mission house could not have gone smoother!!!!
All the stories that we have heard are not what I experienced so far. The people are lovely and it reminds me much like the other trips we have been on. Although we are just beginning to hear the stories of the devastation of people who have lost many family members or all their family. When we toured the hospital today we saw some serious burns and wounds - some very sick and injured people. My heart went out to them. We are doing well. It is great to be with Grant and Sandy. We will add photos of what we saw today on tomorrows blog. We love you all and thank you for your prayers. Sweet dreams R&A.......love Kim

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