Thursday, April 29, 2010

2nd day at the Clinic MOH, Haiti

Today again it was very hot. 95+ degrees. You sweat just standing in the shade. Today we saw about 100 patients. Many kids today that were dehydrated and malnourished. One I saw who was difficult to wake and flaccid. He was rehydrated with IV fluids and then he drank 8 onces of formula. It was great to see the little guy alert.

Grant is having an opportunity to get to some other work while we are here.

John and I did triage with an RN from Missouri. Then we moved to the med room and continued to organize new stock.

Fiona worked in the E/R room with Doctor Keely and was in her element. They treated lots of kinds and did ultrasound on a number of pregnant women.

Shane is doing his magic fixing anything with a motor. Today he fixed an ATV and now has his own wheels to zip around on.

Kim had a great day starting at the orphanage with the babies and then came up to the clinic to pray and massage some patients. She had a chance to pray and work with the same lady, Naleze, that she met yesterday.

The food has been great down here and dinners have been traditionally Haitian. Rice, potatoes, chicken, goat, and salads. Very good and the staff are awesome.

Yesterday we heard a story about one staff member, he met us at the airport. When the earthquake hit he was studying at a bible school with about 50 students. The building collapsed. As they tried to get out a friend pushed him to avoid a collapsing wall. His friend landed on top of him. Both were crushed under the wall. As the lay in under the collapsed wall they were singing worship songs. It started with many voices and as the hours passed less and less were singing. His friend who tried to save him did laying on top of him. He was finally pulled out from under the rumble. Only 11 of his class survived. He works for MOH and came to the clinic for his injuries. He was mentally a complete wreck for days and many prayed for him. He has completely recovered and now knows that he was saved for a purpose here on earth. He now is the worship leader at the MOH church and has a passion for doing whatever God would ask him to do.

There are many stories like this and we are starting to hear more of them. We will try to share as we go.

Tomorrow we are back in the clinic and then we will do other things on the week-end as the clinic is closed.

Robert enjoy the provincials. Go Grizzlies Go! Alanna, I hope you have a great time at Courtney's. Love you both. Daddy. XOXO.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I'm so glad God is using your gifts to bless those around you. I pray that every need you see will be answered, especially in regards to the much needed medical staff. I look forward to reading your posts! May God continue to bless, protect and use you both where ever you go. Kim – the brunch was a success! Lots of helping hands! Lots of love... Paula
