Sunday, April 25, 2010

Getting ready to go to Mission of Hope in Haiti

Welcome to our Blog. This will hopefully give you the reader an opportunity to follow us as we try to provide assistance to the Haitian people. We will try to Blog every other day and provide photos and our experience as it unfolds. I hope you find it insightful.

Kim and I have been interested in going to Haiti every since friends, Grant and Sandy Rumford and their four kids, decided to go to Haiti as long term missionaries. Grant works with Jim as a Halton Advanced Care Paramedic and took a leave of absence last September and now Grant, Sandy and their kids have lived through the earthquake. Grant has been managing the medical clinic on the Haiti Mission of Hope site. Many medical teams have been down already. In the wake of the Earthquake their has been incredible need from the Haitian people for an international response, rescue and ongoing medical care.

Kim and I are busy packing. We are part of a large 15 person medical team that is going down to assist in the clinic, on the ambulance, in the orpahnage and school that are all on the MOH site. Many people have donated items that we will be taking down with us. Each person on the team has been gathering items of medical need to take down. We will each be taking down two hockey bags full of supplies. Our personal items will all fit in one carry on and a back pack.

Well time to get back to packing and some time with Robert and Alanna.

1 comment:

  1. Hi daddy and mommy
    your still in the house and i already miss u!
    I love u soooooooo much
    you better try to call all the time and talk on your blog!
