Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First full day in Medical Clinic at MOH

Bonjour, our first full day we were working in the medical clinic and Shane was busy fixing a generator and the Haiti 1 ambulance. We triaged and treated about 80 patients today. The set up and Haitian doctors and staff are great. The interpretors we worked with are all very good and we had fun bantering back and forth with them.

John set up and in triage and did initial vitals on most of the patients. Fiona and Jim triaged the patients and then sent them into the clinic area and E/R. Kim worked in the clinic massaging patients and doing some physio. She ahd opportunity to pray with patients as well.

Shane has been having a ball working on the motorized toys down here already. Last night John and Shane rebuilt a fan and today Shane fixed a large generator and in doing service work on the ambulance.
Were about to have dinner. more to come. Jim

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