Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Great First Day

Hello Robert, Alanna and friends. God is so amazing how He turns disaster and grief into something good. We are learning so much about Mission of Hope. Since the earthquake this place is being blessed with abundance of supplies, food, medical equipment, medication and so on. Funds to increase there building of housing 100 more guest , building rooms for the orphanage and they are building a sport pad that will be used for basketball and the first in Haiti roller hockey. The medical clinic is one of the best clinics for people from Port au Prince and in the other direction, people come hours away because there is nothing else. They line up every morning at the locked gate and they determine the number of patients they can take by the ratio of medical staff they have. They do hire haitian nurses and doctors, but they say it is not easy to find medical staff. They would like to hire more so this is something we can be praying for. There mission statement is all about education for the young. They have 1,300 students at the school. They are educating and feeding them. They have come to the understanding that the children need to have good nutrition to learn well. The grades are from kindergarden to grade 12. They have a state test they write at the end of high school. The average pass in Haiti is 15%. At mission of hope there are getting a 90% pass. They are expanding the school. So that they will have 1,300 in the morning and 1,300 in the afternoon. This is just a little insight on their heart here to educate the children so that they will become leaders and train them in the trades to make a better life here in Haiti. Their next step is to build a technical school for the trades. I had an amazing day. I was given the privelege and opportunity to massage patients in the wound care area. I massaged them and prayed with them and I am believing for Gods mercy and love to heal them. I made some special friends today and I will be seeing them each day at the wound care area. We took Nalize a woman home in the ambulance with Jim and John and I rode in the back with Nalize and her sister Jenize. It was a crazy journey to her home, all the back roads through endless villages. It is so impoverished. We met her family, all her sisters and babies, mother and husband. They all live together in a few houses beside each other. I look forward to seeing her tomorrow. She was in motor cycle accident and broke her wrist and her leg which has a serious road rash and she is not able to walk without a walker. So I am helping with range of motion and walking. Well, time to go. Love you all and thank you so much for your prayers and support. Good night Robert and Alanna, God bless, sweet dreams to all. Kim

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