Saturday, May 1, 2010

Friday in the Clinic

Friday clinic was a busy one. They take in extra patients because they close on the week-end and on top off this Monday they will go back to a small user fee so many people want to be seen today. In the clinic today we saw a lot of babies and children as well as pregnant women. Word has got out that MOH has an ultrasound machine so they all want to have their babies checked to make sure the fetus is OK.
It was very hot today as well. John and Fiona were doing triage and Jim was in the E/R with Doctor Keely. We had a 8 month old come that only weighted 6.9 kg. Oliver was left at an orphanage after the earthquake. He was anemic, malnourished, had thrush and probably was suffering from Malaria and may be going into renal failure. He was difficult to rouse and grossly dehydrated. We started an IV and gave him a bolus of fluid. He perked up a bit and then we were able to feed him some formula by 20 cc syringe. Poor little guy. We were able to transfer him out to Port au Prince to a hospital for more long term care.
Shane was busy fixing the main generator today. this is a very big job. He has been able to fix everything he has put his hands and mind too. The guy is awesome.

written by Jim. Robert and Alanna see you soon.

Hi everyone, all my love to you. Elaine if you are following the blog. I think you would really like it here. Mission of Hope is a great place to support. The hardest things for me so far have been the extreme heat and intense nausea. I was not well at all on Thursday night as you could see in the picture above. Near the end of each day I wonder if I will make it through the next. Thank goodness for Gods strength. I am relying on Him. Friday morning was better. I was so grateful for Fiona who gave me the IV and gravol. Then Jim came in and topped me up with more gravol. I had tears running down my checks thanking Fiona and Jim. I thank God for Doctors, nurses, paramedics and any medical trained people. It has been humbling and amazing to be able to be in the clinic watching what these medical staff are doing to treat and help the Haitians and the rest of us who are not doing so well. It has only increase my respect and gratefulness for all the years of training medical professionals do. For all you medical dudes reading this, I love you!!!!!!!. I did put in a morning at the clinic and was able to see Nelize and massage Gabby and spend time with both of them. Nelize had no pain through the night and her wound is healing amazing. Gabby too, new tissue is growing on his legs. Prayed with many this morning. I slept for the entire afternoon and early to bed. Thanks for all your prayers. Miss you, love you. Written by Kim

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