Sunday, May 2, 2010

A day of rest and getting the clinic ready!!!!!

Hi, and thanks for many replies. It is good to hear from you!!! Hope all is well with everyone at home. I think life is moving at a little faster pace for all of you. Just turn up your heat in your house to 104 F, and you will slow down and put your feet up with a fan blowing over your body. Well today was that temperature in Haiti. We went to the church service this morning. It was packed with about 1,000 Haitians and a few whites. It was very alive with amazing worship in creole and english. The people really love God, and depend on Him for their needs and strength. Half way through the children left for a children's service, so Jim, John and Shane joined the kids and had a blast. There were over 100 children. They sang songs, told stories and danced. They got to hold a 3 week old baby and had fun with the kids. After a 2 and a half hour service that seem no longer than an hour. We went to a local restaurant for lunch. There were over 30 of us and we had a wonderful chicken and rice lunch at Big Daddy Chicken. When we got back, our work day started. We all went down to the clinic with the ortho doctors and nurses and one dentist. We started to clean and prepare the O.R. room and everyone was organizing their stations. We organized and clean the dentists quarters which is going to work out amazing. We finished up around 5:30 and were slightly dehydrated. We had a great chicken dinner with amazing mash potatoes and a ton of water and juice. Jim, John, Shane, Fiona, Grant, Sandy, and Samantha had a great game of Texas Hold em poker. I had a great time making a new friend, Amy. Just heading off for some zzzeeeeees. Love you all much. We serve an awesome God. He loves us so much. peace and love Kim.

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