Saturday, May 1, 2010

A day off to go to the Beach

Today we went north of Port Au Prince through a number of small towns to a beach area. This was a cultural shock not only to see the day to day life of the people we treat but to see how they drive. There are pretty much no traffic laws or signs. Police are almost non exist. Most people driving just use their horn to make sure you know they are coming and then pass at almost any point on the road whether they can see or not. At one point we were battling to pass and were three wide. For those that don't own a vehicle, which would be most of the people, they use the Tap Tap's. A Tap Tap is a cross between a taxi and a bus. Basically they take almost any vehicle that can carry people and drive along and pick people up. when you want off you just tap the vehicle to tell the driver to stop. The funny thing is this could be an old beat up school bus or a pick up truck. Either way they are both carry double to triple the people the vehicle is rated for. People are hanging of the sides or sitting on the roof. It is unbelievable. The worst part is when they are involved in an accident many people will be seriously injuried. I thought it was awesome but Kim was freaking out.

As it was Saturday the small towns all had large markets going on. The streets were packed with vendors selling fruit, live chickens, you name it, they were probably selling it.

It was great to relax for a day and diffuse what we were seeing and doing down here. I know it is not the same scale of critical care others were seeing right after the earthquake but the people are still very sick and emotionally many are struggling. Though they may not show it outwardly in how they act some are showing it through the stress, strain of their living conditions and their signs and symptoms. Many other relief workers from other organizations were at the beach doing the same thing we were.

Tomorrow we will go to church in the morning at the MOH church. It will be great to see people from the neighbouring area come to church as well as the kids from the orphanage.

More tomorrow, Jim. Sweet dreams Robert and Alanna. XOXO

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